Hey Lovelies! I know I haven't posted a blog in FORRREVVEERRRR and I'm sorry! The heavy competition season took a lot out of me and I'm still adjusting, but each day it gets easier!
Since it's off season for me, I'm going to start experimenting with new foods, using primarily clean ingredients. Today, I made EGG NOG!! Yes! I love it! Want the recipe? Here it is...
Oh snap! I just made a CLEAN Pumpkin egg nog!
Pumpkin Egg Nog
2 egg whites
1/2 cup Vanilla, Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 cup water
1/2 scoop Protein Powder (I used About Time Pumpkin Spice Isolate Protein for the first practice batch)
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 splenda packets (use whatever sweetener you please)
1. Using a food processor, blend 1/2 cup water with the 2 egg whites, protein powder, nutmeg and sweetener.
2. Microwave the 1/2 cup almond milk for 1-2 minutes until it's hot, but not boiling.
3. Carefully add the milk into the food processor/blender with the egg white mixture. You don't want to cook the eggs, so add the liquid slowly.
4. Continue to blend until well mixed. I poured it back into the cup, and RE-Microwaved it for about a minute.
5. Then I poured it on top of the ice to chill it. Or you can drink it warm if you like.
It made one cup, basically. About zero carbs (depending on the milk and protein you use), 16-20 g protein (3 per egg white and 12 from the powder), roughly 3 grams fat. Feel free to change up as you please!
I just tried it again for a night time snack. I used the SAME recipe above but I used Top Secret Nutrition Vanilla protein powder. MUCH closer to traditional egg nog flavor and thicker than the first time, which made it MUCH MUCH better. I'm making a bigger batch for my birthday on Tuesday!
Let me know how you like it!!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Gone Till November...
If you know me, or even know I exist, you know that I've been in contest prep mode since March. Damn near the entire year, I've been at this. Starting at 190 or so lbs down to my current, It's been a long road, and has certainly had its ups and downs. I'm 3 & 4 weeks out from my last two shows of the year. I've been reflecting on the process a lot more because, believe it or.not, It's a very draining process.. not only physically, but emotionally and mentally. Anyone can go to the gym, train like an animal and go home. Training is the EASY part. The difficultly lies in committing one's self to restrictive dieting, immense cost, and constant merciless, brutally honest scrutiny by coaches, judges, peers and the worse of all, yourself.
When you compete, not a day goes by you don't look in the mirror and cuss. No matter what anyone else says, you will ALWAYS see failure, room for improvement, weaknesses. It stares back at us, and we look back at it. Wondering what we can do, how we can make it better. In my case, I feel like I have a stubborn body that doesn't respect my struggle for the level.of leanness I need. In reality, who's body really wants to be competition lean? 4-8% body fat? Really though? Lol...
Although I love this challenge, this process is.enough to drive a sane person.to the brink of institutionalization. I've have to force myself to not check the scale every day or check out my abs every time I'm in the bathroom (ok, I look occasionally.. don't judge me). It would literally drive me bat shit crazy. Everyone wants a six pack... Lol.. but once you get it, its hell maintaining it and you constantly check.for it.. lol. Don't believe me? Ask any competitor.
Mentally, you have to be tough because the sacrifice and discipline is immense. I'm always hungry. I pass people eating, good restaurants and it takes a hell of a lot of willpower to keep on walking.. You give up a lot to gain a lot... well, in the hopes of gaining a lot. Things you never suspected start to haunt you and strike fear into your heart. I'm terrified of my scale.. and equally scares of my email account.. awaiting the email from my coach after check in is always a nail biter. I usually make sure.I'm ready to hear what he has to say, good or bad. Also, money is a stressor.. Food is expensive. Protein powder, supps, then you have your bills,... A lot of us have rent, student loans, etc.. plus the costs of shows, traveling, suits, and lil extras add up. If you knew how much Nationals is costing me.. Good lawd.. I'm coming homw with SOMEONES proc card! LOL .. I kid, I kid.. In a way, you mentally withdraw from life, and operate on auto-pilot... Eat, sleep, cardio, train... Not.necessarily in.that order, but those become engrossing priorities. Not family, not fun, but PROGRESS becomes the ultimate.goal..
So much more than dieting this gets emotional. It can be quite a roller coaster ride. Hormones are ties to.nutrition and plus, heavy training and cardio with LIFE added in, equals stress. I've cried more times during this prep than.I care to.admit. at home, at work, on a treadmill.. you name it. Sometimes I all want to do is lay down somewhere and cry. Even though you know it doesn't help, but it gets out the frustration, the pain, the hurt, the everything when there is nowhere left for it to go. Plus, the stress of not being in control.. you depend.on your coach to make your life/body decisions for you. That's an awful lot of trust to give, especially when you're a.control freak like me. Thankfully, I have the utmost faith in Shelby, my coach. He's been the best and.I can talk to him about ANYTHING. That's another.thing... Dealing with a bad coach can be stressful. Yeesh.... Depression and melancholy are common issues, esp with athletes.
Most of you who read this will.never understand. What we put our minds and bodies thru for weeks, months, years for a level.of greatness that eludes most. This process is very lonely... Even if you're married, engaged, in a group of competitors.. you are alone. Lifting the weight, eating tiny meals, alone with your feelings and thoughts. It's hard to explain to outsiders because.it sounds like complaining. But we really just want.you to listen. To sympathize. We know you can't make it better, lol... We just need to get it odd our chest. It occupies too much mind space... There are a lot of people who, innocently enough, try to help.. 'its temporary!', 'you'll be fine, you can do it!' But when everyday, every weigh in, you feel like you can't do it. Like you have failed.... I know I feel that way about 16 hours of the day. like.I didn't DO enough...
But every day, every year, we do.it again. Because we know we can.
I know I can. And I will... Cause that's what champions do...
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Rolling In The Deep... 3 Weeks and Counting...
Good morning lovelies!
I am about 3 weeks out from show time and what can I say? This has been quite an interesting 6 months of prep.. As it
comes to an end soon, I want to
thank those who have reached out, above and beyond to check on me, wish me
well, and provide support. I've been VERY transparent through this journey and
I've gotten quite a bit of flak for it. I’ve been SO transparent and have
shared damn near everything with you all because I WANT you to know how it
feels. The good, the great, the bad, the disappointments, the ugly, the pain...
This is a beautiful sport, bodybuilding… Beautiful, yet painful. I’m doing
something most people will NEVER do in their lifetime and I’m forever grateful
to have the chance to work with an AMAZING coach (Shelby Starnes), to have a supportive BF and family network,
an awesome and understanding sponsor (Top Secret Nutrition), and to have met so many other athletes, fans,
friends, associates…
Some people who compete don’t share what they go thru. They
make it seem like its all unicorn poop and butterfly kisses. No. No. No. It is
not. I will and have always kept it real with you guys. While I love it, It is
painful. It’s mentally tough. It can be demoralizing at times. It is not for
the faint of heart. It’s for the strong. Only the strong survive prep. There
are days you don’t want to get out of bed because you’re tired, or the pain is
bad, or you just don’t want to do it any longer. I’ve had days like that… I have a lot more
now, the closer I get to show date. I wake up sore sometimes. My body aches randomly. Bruises. I've had to rest in the middle of a meal because my energy is low... Man... Lol.. sometimes all I can do is laugh.
However, as I share these things, some people don't care for it. They say I'm complaining or being negative. But... This is MY prep experience. Mine and mine alone. You can't tell someone how to be in their own mind and body. As I like to say, you don't know my life or my struggle". This prep, MY prep, in particular was especially long
because I have issues getting and staying lean, and also because I spent my
entire life being overweight, I needed a long diet period to allow my skin to
snap back like it should. It’s never
going to be PERFECT, but it is mine and I embrace it. This prep, MY prep, was
difficult because I faced a number of obstacles. Early on, I was diagnosed with
a shoulder impingement that affected my chest and shoulder training. But I
rehabbed a bit, and found ways to work around it. Then the other shoulder started
to ache. Then, most recently, My old quad/back injuries (I’ve been in two car accidents
and been hit by a car) began to act up again. Not to be undone, I kept going.
Then I got sick. Bronchitis. Bronchitis, combined with asthma--- antibiotics.
Forced Rest. Missing 4 days of training (but I stayed on diet like a BOSS!).
Now, I can’t do ‘balls to the wall” cardio because I can have a heart attack,
asthma attack or develop pneumonia. Yeah… But I’ve kept going, because I’m too
close to stop now. Put in the work and reap the rewards. Through it all, those
who have mattered most have had my back --- My coach, my fam, y’all know who y’all
So, do I complain? Hell yeah. Do I bitch about aches and
pains? Of course I do. But I love this. I wouldn’t spend the enormous amount of
money, time and effort on this if I didn’t. I don’t force you to read anything
I post or watch any videos I air. I am ME. Transparent, irritable, achy, honest
me. My virtue of you liking my page, befriending me on FB, following me on
Twitter/IG/YouTube, you've agreed to follow me on this journey. This journey
thru the heaven and hell that is contest prep. As I wind down towards the show,
I may not post as much, I may have an attitude or I may say things I probably
shouldn't. I’m sorry (ahead of time). I’m trying my best to keep level, keep
sane. I’ve found out a few things during this prep that I would like to share with you.
- You can’t rationalize with yourself at 5 am. It’s not happening. Just get up and do the cardio.
- When people say “if you need anything, let me know”. It really means “I’m just being nice, and I may or may not help you, so don’t depend on me.” Always have a plan B-Z.
- The best meals are post workout.
- Mustard tastes good with EVERYTHING.
- Vegetables = Lifesavers
- Always carry some form of simple sugar. Never know when the blood sugar will drop and you pass out. (I’ve learned this the hard way)
- Take pride in what you do, and whatever it is do it well.
- Humility goes a long way.
- Listen to those who have walked the path before you, but don’t try to follow their path step by step. You’re unique; Find your own way. (Conversations with Kai Greene after AM cardio… man is amazingly insightful and such a great person--- he’s helped more than you or he knows)
- Remember… No one has to live this life but YOU. This isn’t a rehearsal; it is live TV baby… The whole world’s a stage and everyone is watching. Be your best, but don’t be afraid to be YOU.
Thank you for all your love and support. I couldn’t and
wouldn’t be here without YOU.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Thoughts and Stuff.. at 9.5 weeks...
I haven't blogged in a while, cause I haven't stopped moving long enough to sit down and write. But I'm 9.5 weeks out from showtime. A few things have happened but this morning I was moved to put "pen to paper", so to speak. Well, I guess "fingers to keys".. lol.
First off, I want to thank EVERYONE for the ourpouring of support, donations, kind words. I never in a million years imagined that people would care so much about my personal journey to the stage. I'm so grateful for everything, everyone. My coaches, my sponsor, my close friends, my family. You have no idea how much it all means to me.
K... So I wanted to address my pics. I know I post a ton of pics on my progress towards the show. My leanness. Please don't be misled.. the way I look now, I probably will NOT look the same in November. This is my "Getting Contest Lean" body.. lo. Currently I'm about 165 - 170 lbs, but relatively lean, meaning, I'm carrying a good amount of muscle. however, I am not naturally this lean. My walk around weight will probably be about 175-180 lbs. So, post show, I WILL be bigger (not fat, but bigger). :-)
Next, I've taken a lot of flax for being bitchy, complaining, being an asshole, etc this past week. Honestly, it hurts. It really does. Contrary to popular belief, I am pretty sensitive. I try to block it out, but It's hard. I put my heart and soul into this prep. I've spent thousands on it; coaches, food, supps, clothes, on top of bills. When confronted about my complaining, I was told "you don't have to compete; its a privilege, etc". Um, I am WELL aware that I don't have to do a damn thing. I could have spent that money elsewhere, like paying down my CC debt, or putting it towards a vacation, or on that 95K student loan payment.. yeah. I don't have to compete, I chose to. My decision. Just because I remark on how difficult it is, doesn't mean I love it any less.
I embrace my muscle; I embrace this sport that has been kind to me. I love training. I love this challenge, but it's been an extremely long prep for me. I've been dieting since March; training on less food, Working (the main gig, plus demos) and really not getting much sleep. So If I bitch and complain, I bitch and complain.I need it to get by sometimes.
There will be times I don't feel like talking. I'm tired. At 6 am, coming off a bad night, I'm not in a mood to be social. I'm not really a morning person. My body hurts. This morning, I woke up exhausted after only 4 hours sleep, to do my cardio, with sore legs, and a bad case of gas that would not dissipate. You try doing 35 mins of cardio with gas and bloating. That shit was rough, but I did it. I feel like crap, but that's okay. I'm making great progress and I'm happy about that.
My name is Lynette, not Willy Wonka and I don't sugar coat shit. Contest Prep is hard. Very. Mentally and Physically. This is the most draining experience ever, but it's SO rewarding at the end. I'm not the type to suck it up and "smile for the cameras". I give you the real. If I have an attitude, I have one. If I'm angry, you know it. I keep it #100 with everyone, always. That is me and will always be me. I have mood swings, I have a temper. I'm human. Just like everyone else. Some days are great; Some days suck.
I know I have a very public presence, particularly as it concerns fitness, but because I am public, I don't owe anyone a 24/7 good mood; I can't give you that. I don't owe you every detail about my life; I've been asked if I had plastic surgery, lipo, gastric bypass, etc.. NO! I have not had any of that, it has been over 10 years of long hard work; trial and error; gains and losses. I try to be as polite as I can; I really do. But it's not always easy. Those that really know me, and I mean KNOW me and see what I go thru on the daily, know, it nothing personal against anyone, but it's just how I am.
"Those that matter don't mind; and those that mind don't matter"
With that said, we move forward in these next 9 weeks to the stage. I'm excited but drained at the same time. Lol.. In competing we often say, "Love the Process"... It's like a marriage, you may not always agree or like your partner but you always love them.
I haven't blogged in a while, cause I haven't stopped moving long enough to sit down and write. But I'm 9.5 weeks out from showtime. A few things have happened but this morning I was moved to put "pen to paper", so to speak. Well, I guess "fingers to keys".. lol.
First off, I want to thank EVERYONE for the ourpouring of support, donations, kind words. I never in a million years imagined that people would care so much about my personal journey to the stage. I'm so grateful for everything, everyone. My coaches, my sponsor, my close friends, my family. You have no idea how much it all means to me.
K... So I wanted to address my pics. I know I post a ton of pics on my progress towards the show. My leanness. Please don't be misled.. the way I look now, I probably will NOT look the same in November. This is my "Getting Contest Lean" body.. lo. Currently I'm about 165 - 170 lbs, but relatively lean, meaning, I'm carrying a good amount of muscle. however, I am not naturally this lean. My walk around weight will probably be about 175-180 lbs. So, post show, I WILL be bigger (not fat, but bigger). :-)
Next, I've taken a lot of flax for being bitchy, complaining, being an asshole, etc this past week. Honestly, it hurts. It really does. Contrary to popular belief, I am pretty sensitive. I try to block it out, but It's hard. I put my heart and soul into this prep. I've spent thousands on it; coaches, food, supps, clothes, on top of bills. When confronted about my complaining, I was told "you don't have to compete; its a privilege, etc". Um, I am WELL aware that I don't have to do a damn thing. I could have spent that money elsewhere, like paying down my CC debt, or putting it towards a vacation, or on that 95K student loan payment.. yeah. I don't have to compete, I chose to. My decision. Just because I remark on how difficult it is, doesn't mean I love it any less.
I embrace my muscle; I embrace this sport that has been kind to me. I love training. I love this challenge, but it's been an extremely long prep for me. I've been dieting since March; training on less food, Working (the main gig, plus demos) and really not getting much sleep. So If I bitch and complain, I bitch and complain.I need it to get by sometimes.
There will be times I don't feel like talking. I'm tired. At 6 am, coming off a bad night, I'm not in a mood to be social. I'm not really a morning person. My body hurts. This morning, I woke up exhausted after only 4 hours sleep, to do my cardio, with sore legs, and a bad case of gas that would not dissipate. You try doing 35 mins of cardio with gas and bloating. That shit was rough, but I did it. I feel like crap, but that's okay. I'm making great progress and I'm happy about that.
My name is Lynette, not Willy Wonka and I don't sugar coat shit. Contest Prep is hard. Very. Mentally and Physically. This is the most draining experience ever, but it's SO rewarding at the end. I'm not the type to suck it up and "smile for the cameras". I give you the real. If I have an attitude, I have one. If I'm angry, you know it. I keep it #100 with everyone, always. That is me and will always be me. I have mood swings, I have a temper. I'm human. Just like everyone else. Some days are great; Some days suck.
I know I have a very public presence, particularly as it concerns fitness, but because I am public, I don't owe anyone a 24/7 good mood; I can't give you that. I don't owe you every detail about my life; I've been asked if I had plastic surgery, lipo, gastric bypass, etc.. NO! I have not had any of that, it has been over 10 years of long hard work; trial and error; gains and losses. I try to be as polite as I can; I really do. But it's not always easy. Those that really know me, and I mean KNOW me and see what I go thru on the daily, know, it nothing personal against anyone, but it's just how I am.
"Those that matter don't mind; and those that mind don't matter"
With that said, we move forward in these next 9 weeks to the stage. I'm excited but drained at the same time. Lol.. In competing we often say, "Love the Process"... It's like a marriage, you may not always agree or like your partner but you always love them.
Monday, July 15, 2013
12 Weeks....
This will be a short one. How IS everyone, my lovelies?? I've missed writing to you all, but I've been SUPER busy with life and prep. However, it's the 12 week mark, meaning - excuse my language- shit is about to get real.
Up until this week, I'd just be dieting, slowly losing bodyfat to get to a point where It wouldn't be a mad dash at the 12 week mark to get lean. I'm somewhere between 165-172 lbs. I've been consistent with my cardio and nutrition, so I'm doing well. Just getting a lil tired. My body has been thru the ringer and I've had to train thru several injuries. I'm looking forward to a lil break, but I'm excited to be at the 12 week mark and see my body REALLY change.
With that said, I'm going to try to use this blog as more of a diary; writing almost daily. I want to share this entire journey with you all. It's tiring, expensive, draining, but damn it if it isn't worth it.
I'm here. I'm ready. Let's go.
Up until this week, I'd just be dieting, slowly losing bodyfat to get to a point where It wouldn't be a mad dash at the 12 week mark to get lean. I'm somewhere between 165-172 lbs. I've been consistent with my cardio and nutrition, so I'm doing well. Just getting a lil tired. My body has been thru the ringer and I've had to train thru several injuries. I'm looking forward to a lil break, but I'm excited to be at the 12 week mark and see my body REALLY change.
With that said, I'm going to try to use this blog as more of a diary; writing almost daily. I want to share this entire journey with you all. It's tiring, expensive, draining, but damn it if it isn't worth it.
I'm here. I'm ready. Let's go.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Balling on A Budget
Okay, maybe not 'ballin' per se... More like thriving on a budget.
Morning lovelies!
I'd like to touch on a subject that I know is near and dear to all of us: Money. Yes, the all mighty dollar. When I speak to folks about living a healthy lifestyle and eating properly, A lot of folks tell me they can't afford to eat like I do or maintain a gym membership. Sigh... I will be the FIRST to tell you, this is NOT the cheapest sport/hobby/lifestyle I could have chosen. Sure, I spend a LOT on food, supplements, and training, but it doesn't have to break the bank to be fit and healthy!
One of the biggest expenses, in my opinion is actually food! I spend so much time and money food shopping, it has become a part time job! In my expereince I've gathered a few tips to make your food dollars go futher:
Buy in bulk: Not necessarily by shopping at Costco, BJ's or Sam's Club (those are great places, but they require membership!) I'm speaking of bulk in that when you see a staple of your diet on sale, STOCK UP! Most items can be frozen (meats/veggies) or stored in a pantry (quinoa or Brown rice). For example, I eat a lot of chicken breasts, in and off season. When I see it for a reasonable price (about 1.99/lb around here), I buy as much as I can and store it in the freezer. At least enough to last 2 weeks, if I can.
Shop the Circular: For the supermarkets I frequent, The sales start on Friday morning. That afternoon or Saturday morning, I either have the hard copies of the circular or visit the website, to see what the current sales are and where I can get items cheapest.
Food in Other Places: You don't always have to get food items at the supermarket! I've found great deals on meats, condiments, grains at Family Dollar, Dollar Deals (both are discount stores), Walgreens, Duane Reade and even Target! Target has begun selling fresh produce and meats in some locations for very reasonable prices! Check out the grocery sections in your local 99 cent or discount stores! I've found frozen salmon fillets in Dollar Deals for about 4 bucks! (12 oz, which is approx. $5.30/lb)
Coupons: do I even need to comment?
The Freezer is Your Friend: I freeze a lot of foods: raw and cooked chicken (not together!), beef, cooked rice, veggies.. It's very efficient to cook more than you need on a weekend, then freeze the rest. Also, Instead of purchasing fresh veggies (and in my case, forget they are there and watch them spoil), frozen veggies are JUST as good as fresh. In the grand scheme of things, you still benefit from the veggies and kept a lil extra change in your pocket for...
SUPPLEMENTS! Yes, Supplements. Even a multi-vitamin is a supplement. :-) For those of us heavy into supplementation, this is a serious expense.Aren't too many ways around it, but there are cost saving methods:
Coupons: Yep, Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, Bodybuilding.com ALL offer coupons. Get on those email lists, visit the website, etc.
"Other" websites: supplement websites like those above aren't the only game in town. Vitacost (free shipping over 50 bucks), drugstore.com, amazon, even ebay! They all sell supplements! Most often for less than the traditional sites.
Be Loyal: Sometimes, one brand is notoriously cheaper than others and offer incentives to those who are members of a site, or like their FB page or follow them on Instagram. Shameless plug: Top Secret Nutrition is offering 40% of all supps on the website plus free shipping on orders over $50 when you become a member of the email list! See what I mean?
What are healthy foods and supplements without a fitness plan? Recently, there has been an boom of lower priced fitness clubs popping up all over the country. Depending on your fitness level and goals, this may be the perfect fit for you, with plans as low as 10 dollars a month. If you really think about it, how much of us spend $10 a month on random crap?
So hit the web and check out Planet Fitness, Retro Fitness, Bally's, Boom Fitness to name a few. Also, take advantage of promotions and free passes. Another way to get fit is home DVD workouts, online resources for cheap, Fitbie (on MSN), and even YouTube (they have pilates and yoga classe, boot camps, flexibility, etc)! You can Google anything thse days! Groupon, LivingSocial and Lifebooker (NY and LA) often have fitness deals that are dirt cheap!
See how much I love you guys? I want you all to be healthy and fit, but I don't want you to break your pocket! If there is anything I missed, or you have something to add, PLEASE comment and let me know! I have rent and student loan payments so I'm always looking for a deal! :-)
Until next time, lovelies..
Morning lovelies!
I'd like to touch on a subject that I know is near and dear to all of us: Money. Yes, the all mighty dollar. When I speak to folks about living a healthy lifestyle and eating properly, A lot of folks tell me they can't afford to eat like I do or maintain a gym membership. Sigh... I will be the FIRST to tell you, this is NOT the cheapest sport/hobby/lifestyle I could have chosen. Sure, I spend a LOT on food, supplements, and training, but it doesn't have to break the bank to be fit and healthy!
One of the biggest expenses, in my opinion is actually food! I spend so much time and money food shopping, it has become a part time job! In my expereince I've gathered a few tips to make your food dollars go futher:
Buy in bulk: Not necessarily by shopping at Costco, BJ's or Sam's Club (those are great places, but they require membership!) I'm speaking of bulk in that when you see a staple of your diet on sale, STOCK UP! Most items can be frozen (meats/veggies) or stored in a pantry (quinoa or Brown rice). For example, I eat a lot of chicken breasts, in and off season. When I see it for a reasonable price (about 1.99/lb around here), I buy as much as I can and store it in the freezer. At least enough to last 2 weeks, if I can.
Shop the Circular: For the supermarkets I frequent, The sales start on Friday morning. That afternoon or Saturday morning, I either have the hard copies of the circular or visit the website, to see what the current sales are and where I can get items cheapest.
Food in Other Places: You don't always have to get food items at the supermarket! I've found great deals on meats, condiments, grains at Family Dollar, Dollar Deals (both are discount stores), Walgreens, Duane Reade and even Target! Target has begun selling fresh produce and meats in some locations for very reasonable prices! Check out the grocery sections in your local 99 cent or discount stores! I've found frozen salmon fillets in Dollar Deals for about 4 bucks! (12 oz, which is approx. $5.30/lb)
Coupons: do I even need to comment?
The Freezer is Your Friend: I freeze a lot of foods: raw and cooked chicken (not together!), beef, cooked rice, veggies.. It's very efficient to cook more than you need on a weekend, then freeze the rest. Also, Instead of purchasing fresh veggies (and in my case, forget they are there and watch them spoil), frozen veggies are JUST as good as fresh. In the grand scheme of things, you still benefit from the veggies and kept a lil extra change in your pocket for...
SUPPLEMENTS! Yes, Supplements. Even a multi-vitamin is a supplement. :-) For those of us heavy into supplementation, this is a serious expense.Aren't too many ways around it, but there are cost saving methods:
Coupons: Yep, Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, Bodybuilding.com ALL offer coupons. Get on those email lists, visit the website, etc.
"Other" websites: supplement websites like those above aren't the only game in town. Vitacost (free shipping over 50 bucks), drugstore.com, amazon, even ebay! They all sell supplements! Most often for less than the traditional sites.
Be Loyal: Sometimes, one brand is notoriously cheaper than others and offer incentives to those who are members of a site, or like their FB page or follow them on Instagram. Shameless plug: Top Secret Nutrition is offering 40% of all supps on the website plus free shipping on orders over $50 when you become a member of the email list! See what I mean?
What are healthy foods and supplements without a fitness plan? Recently, there has been an boom of lower priced fitness clubs popping up all over the country. Depending on your fitness level and goals, this may be the perfect fit for you, with plans as low as 10 dollars a month. If you really think about it, how much of us spend $10 a month on random crap?
So hit the web and check out Planet Fitness, Retro Fitness, Bally's, Boom Fitness to name a few. Also, take advantage of promotions and free passes. Another way to get fit is home DVD workouts, online resources for cheap, Fitbie (on MSN), and even YouTube (they have pilates and yoga classe, boot camps, flexibility, etc)! You can Google anything thse days! Groupon, LivingSocial and Lifebooker (NY and LA) often have fitness deals that are dirt cheap!
See how much I love you guys? I want you all to be healthy and fit, but I don't want you to break your pocket! If there is anything I missed, or you have something to add, PLEASE comment and let me know! I have rent and student loan payments so I'm always looking for a deal! :-)
Until next time, lovelies..
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Updates, Y'all!
Hey Lovelies! Here's some videos where I give you all an update on me, my shoulder issue and some other things! :-)
Friday, May 17, 2013
Shoulders and Arms, Y'all!
Happy Friday, y'all! I haven't shared a workout or video in a while, so here goes! This is from last night's workout. I did a modified shoulder routine and a set of calf raises, then transitioned into a concise, intense arm workout of superset exercises,, Enjoy!
3-4 warm up sets of lateral raises
Lateral Raises 5 sets, 12-14 reps each (forst 3 sets I did seated , 15 lbs; second 2 were standing, 20 lbs DB)
Front Raises 3 sets, 12-14 reps (10 lb DB)
Rear Delt Machine Fly
4 sets, 12 reps (Worked up to 130 lbs on last set)
Standing Calf Raises (machine) 4 sets, 20 reps
Upright Rows 4 sets, 12 reps
(2 sets: narrow grip - 60 lb loaded EZ Curl Bar; 2 sets wide grip - 30 lb loaded EZ Curl Bar)
(sorry in advance for the shaky video.. :-/)
These are groups of supersets:
SuperSet #1 3 x 10-12
Cable Str8 Arm Pushdown (100-110 lbs)
DB Concentration Curls (25 lb)
SuperSet #2 - 3 sets
Rope Pushdowns (12 reps, 80-90 lbs --- Last set is a triple drop set- 90, 60, 30 lbs - 8 reps each)
Loaded EZ Curl Bar - 21's
SuperSet #3 - 3 x 10-12
Preacher Curls (30-40 lb loaded bar)
Overhead Cable Rope Pulls (40-50 lbs)
SuperSet #4 - 4 sets 15 reps (last set of each is a "run the rack" drop: 5 reps at each weight)
(triceps) one arm reverse pulldowns (20-30 for working sets; drop started at 60 lbs)
(biceps) one arm cable curls (20-30 for working sets; drop started at 60 lbs)
Note: Because of the shoulder issue, I had to self spot -- meaning, I had to use my non-working arm to stabilize my working arm)
3-4 warm up sets of lateral raises
Lateral Raises 5 sets, 12-14 reps each (forst 3 sets I did seated , 15 lbs; second 2 were standing, 20 lbs DB)
Front Raises 3 sets, 12-14 reps (10 lb DB)
Rear Delt Machine Fly
4 sets, 12 reps (Worked up to 130 lbs on last set)
Standing Calf Raises (machine) 4 sets, 20 reps
Upright Rows 4 sets, 12 reps
(2 sets: narrow grip - 60 lb loaded EZ Curl Bar; 2 sets wide grip - 30 lb loaded EZ Curl Bar)
(sorry in advance for the shaky video.. :-/)
These are groups of supersets:
SuperSet #1 3 x 10-12
Cable Str8 Arm Pushdown (100-110 lbs)
DB Concentration Curls (25 lb)
SuperSet #2 - 3 sets
Rope Pushdowns (12 reps, 80-90 lbs --- Last set is a triple drop set- 90, 60, 30 lbs - 8 reps each)
Loaded EZ Curl Bar - 21's
SuperSet #3 - 3 x 10-12
Preacher Curls (30-40 lb loaded bar)
Overhead Cable Rope Pulls (40-50 lbs)
SuperSet #4 - 4 sets 15 reps (last set of each is a "run the rack" drop: 5 reps at each weight)
(triceps) one arm reverse pulldowns (20-30 for working sets; drop started at 60 lbs)
(biceps) one arm cable curls (20-30 for working sets; drop started at 60 lbs)
Note: Because of the shoulder issue, I had to self spot -- meaning, I had to use my non-working arm to stabilize my working arm)
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The Struggle: Training Through Injury
Hello, my lovelies! I hope everyone is well...
If you follow me on IG, FB, YouTube, I'm sure you've heard me mention or hashtag "TheStruggle" or something similar. Well, I'm going to briefly touch on part of that struggle; training while dealing with an injury.
The harder we train, the more likely it is that at some point, we WILL get injured. Minor or major; injuries come with the territory. I've been training (at various intensities) for almost 20 years... That's a very long time and I've spent some of that time injured. you may ask, "well, if you're injured, how are you training??" Good question. I'm going to discuss my two most recent injuries and how I dealt with and am dealing with them.
Two years ago, I suffered a strain to my VMO muscle in the right leg. VMO = vastus medialis obliquu, or the muscle of the quadriceps group that forms that lovely "tear drop" shape above your knee (My legs aren't THAT lean yet, so no photos :-) ). It affected EVERYTHING, causing pain in the knee area and thigh. I was unable to squat, press, lunge, etc. Anything that involved a quad movement was painful. But.. I didn't want to lose my gains; I like to think of my legs as my "show piece". I avoided those movements that hurt, and concentrated on what I COULD do: stiff leg dead lifts, abduction and adduction (inner/outer thigh), leg curls, leg lifts, etc.
I went through a few weeks of physical therapy, when the PT noticed that my VMO wasn't getting better as soon as he'd expected. In fact, it had weakened. He warned that if I avoided activity involving that muscle, it would atrophy. Explained that, yes, it will hurt; but I need to keep the joint/muscle active, warm and stimulated. No need to get crazy and squat 3 plates or rack the leg extension machine; just keep it moving. I went back to doing light leg work, with extension, body weight squats, in depth warm ups and cool downs, stretching (active and static) and guess what? My muscle began to finally heal! I learned a great lesson on the importance of proper warm ups and muscle maintenance.
Currently, I'm in the early stages of a Prep Cycle and I have a shoulder impingement; which is a form of inflammation. Actually, it's an impingement, weak rotator cuff and weak postural muscles (I sit at a desk all day :-( ). I don't know how it started, why or what I did, but it hampers every movement. I'm in therapy for it, doing my exercises, stretching, etc. I also have to avoid certain movements, such as overhead presses for shoulders and squats (I can no longer hold the bar because of the angle; it irritates my shoulder). So.. How do I train for prep??
I'm training AROUND the injury. I work within an acceptable level of pain. I can't do certain pec flyes, so I switch to a machine that is easier on the joint and I concentrate on stimulating the muscle, instead of trying to set personal bests. It's not that serious. My main goal is to stay healthy and able to train while I'm healing and rebuilding. I've moved more to machine work (cables, hammers, etc) for my training, instead of movements that put strain on the shoulder.
Two lessons to take away:
1. Take care of your body. Always remember: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If it takes 10-15 minutes more to warm up properly, do it. It's certainly better than months of recuperation. It took me almost a year to get back to regular leg routines and motions. It's been about a month and I'm slowly getting my ROM back in the shoulder and starting to move without pain. Certain sleeping positions still hurt, but I'm getting better.
2. Heal the injury, but don't completely stop working. Keep active, keep moving. Get treatment for a sport injury and ask what movements you can do to maintain those gains and progress. There are many ways to work around an injury, without making it worse or slowing down the healing. Even though I can't hold a bar to squat, I still squat with a machine; can do dumbbell lunges; and can leg press (my power movements). I also still work shoulders, but I'm careful of which movements to do; I can do raises, and rows, but no presses. I'm lucky to have a good base of muscle at the moment, so my main concern is maintenance.
Being injured is tough for anyone, especially those of us who are serious about training. It's hard on the body and the mind. I have a hard time dealing with the fact that I can't do everything I want to and it saddens me. But I get past it, do my exercises and keep the training going and moving forward.
Take care, y'all and stay healthy!
If you follow me on IG, FB, YouTube, I'm sure you've heard me mention or hashtag "TheStruggle" or something similar. Well, I'm going to briefly touch on part of that struggle; training while dealing with an injury.
The harder we train, the more likely it is that at some point, we WILL get injured. Minor or major; injuries come with the territory. I've been training (at various intensities) for almost 20 years... That's a very long time and I've spent some of that time injured. you may ask, "well, if you're injured, how are you training??" Good question. I'm going to discuss my two most recent injuries and how I dealt with and am dealing with them.
Two years ago, I suffered a strain to my VMO muscle in the right leg. VMO =
I went through a few weeks of physical therapy, when the PT noticed that my VMO wasn't getting better as soon as he'd expected. In fact, it had weakened. He warned that if I avoided activity involving that muscle, it would atrophy. Explained that, yes, it will hurt; but I need to keep the joint/muscle active, warm and stimulated. No need to get crazy and squat 3 plates or rack the leg extension machine; just keep it moving. I went back to doing light leg work, with extension, body weight squats, in depth warm ups and cool downs, stretching (active and static) and guess what? My muscle began to finally heal! I learned a great lesson on the importance of proper warm ups and muscle maintenance.
Currently, I'm in the early stages of a Prep Cycle and I have a shoulder impingement; which is a form of inflammation. Actually, it's an impingement, weak rotator cuff and weak postural muscles (I sit at a desk all day :-( ). I don't know how it started, why or what I did, but it hampers every movement. I'm in therapy for it, doing my exercises, stretching, etc. I also have to avoid certain movements, such as overhead presses for shoulders and squats (I can no longer hold the bar because of the angle; it irritates my shoulder). So.. How do I train for prep??
I'm training AROUND the injury. I work within an acceptable level of pain. I can't do certain pec flyes, so I switch to a machine that is easier on the joint and I concentrate on stimulating the muscle, instead of trying to set personal bests. It's not that serious. My main goal is to stay healthy and able to train while I'm healing and rebuilding. I've moved more to machine work (cables, hammers, etc) for my training, instead of movements that put strain on the shoulder.
Two lessons to take away:
1. Take care of your body. Always remember: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If it takes 10-15 minutes more to warm up properly, do it. It's certainly better than months of recuperation. It took me almost a year to get back to regular leg routines and motions. It's been about a month and I'm slowly getting my ROM back in the shoulder and starting to move without pain. Certain sleeping positions still hurt, but I'm getting better.
2. Heal the injury, but don't completely stop working. Keep active, keep moving. Get treatment for a sport injury and ask what movements you can do to maintain those gains and progress. There are many ways to work around an injury, without making it worse or slowing down the healing. Even though I can't hold a bar to squat, I still squat with a machine; can do dumbbell lunges; and can leg press (my power movements). I also still work shoulders, but I'm careful of which movements to do; I can do raises, and rows, but no presses. I'm lucky to have a good base of muscle at the moment, so my main concern is maintenance.
Being injured is tough for anyone, especially those of us who are serious about training. It's hard on the body and the mind. I have a hard time dealing with the fact that I can't do everything I want to and it saddens me. But I get past it, do my exercises and keep the training going and moving forward.
Take care, y'all and stay healthy!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Playing the Hunger Games: Dealing with Hunger when Dieting
Hey my Lovelies! I hope this finds you well… As you know, I
am in the middle of contest prep and of course that includes the dreaded “D”
word.. DIETING. Grrrr…. I know, I know.. That’s a cuss word. I hate dieting,
because I hate being hungry. I’m not ashamed to say it.. I LOVE FOOD! Not junk
food per se, but actual REAL, whole foods.. oats, eggs, chicken, tuna, etc.
When I diet, I crave these foods. Esp Oatmeal and Peanut Butter with a lil
Sugar Free Jelly.. (yum.. having a flashback). Anyways, Hunger can be a b…. ,
especially when you’re used to eating a ton of food. Well, I’m going to share
with you my tips and methods for dealing with and playing “The Hunger Games”.
1. Coffee (or tea)
Yes, coffee. It’s funny, I was never a fan of coffee in
college or law school, but I love it now. A cup of coffee goes a long way in
helping to stave off hunger pangs. Of course, in prep, I have to have it black.
But I add a few drops of vanilla stevia (liquid) and I’m good to go. I prefer
Café Bustelo myself or Starbucks Blonde Roast. I will say this.. the caffeine
in coffee does absolutely NOTHING for me.. lol. Coffee is more like a flavoring
now. Tea is also a good option. I love the teas by Tazo, particularly Wild Sweet
Orange or Passion (it’s purple! Oh snap!). Green Tea, hot or cold, is a big helper AND a metabolism
2. Plain old Water
Downing water, staying hydrated will also help with hunger.
It’s been said that sometimes, when we are hungry, we most likely are thirsty.
So when hunger strikes, try downing a glass of water and waiting a while to see
if the feeling dissipates. Besides, if you’re drinking enough water, you’ll be
jumping up to pee so much, you won’t have time to think about being hungry. J
If you’re allowed, crystal light is a great option.
3. Gum.
* hides head * I am
a well known gum addict. I can chew gum until I go to sleep. I’ve been known to
wake up with gum in my mouth from the night before. Now, gum can help with
hunger but… be warned.. 1. The gum has to be sugar free (SF) or you’re adding
calories to your diet. 2. Unfortunately, SF gum does have a few miniscule
calories, so be mindful. 3. It can make you gassy and bloated. Yeah, I keep it
real around here. The chewing can fill your tummy up with air, and cause some
gas. I usually drink some lemon water to ease the bloat.
4. Keep Busy
I notice when I’m hungry at work, it helps to focus ON WORK
to keep my mind off the hunger. Sometimes, it works and the time flies by.
Other times, when I’m really hungry, I find myself staring at the clock in the corner. L
5. Supplements – BCAA drinks
Ahh.. the lovely BCAA drink. I usually drink my Top Secret
Nutrition BCAA Hyperblend drink during my fasted cardio, so as not to die of
hunger. It also has caffeine so it gives me a lil energy boost. I keep a
container at work for the same reason. The mid-day slump + hunger is not the
best feeling. When that hits, I take a scoop, mix with water and a lil lemon
juice (I love lemonades) and I’m cool for a lil while. When I don’t have the
BCAA drink mix, I have been known to make a cup of hot green tea, pop open some
BCAA pills, blend the two in a shake cup with ice and a packet of crystal light
(lemonade of course) and sip on that until it’s meal time.
6. Protein Shakes: While I’m not adding this in as a way to
deal with hunger, but if a protein shake is your meal, there are a few ways to
make it more filling.. 1. Mix with less water, make into a pudding. I’ve done
that in the past when it was protein and peanut butter. Use less water, maybe
add some fiber to thicken it, and freeze for a bit. Follow up with a glass or
two of water. 2. If you have access, blend the protein powder with ice to make
a thicker shake. The added water (from the crushed ice) will fill you up.
7. The saddest option: Suck it up and deal with it.
Unfortunately, sometimes, the above options don’t work and you have to just
deal with it. It’s not the worst thing in the world. Sometimes, a lot of this is mental. You have to fight the urge, even when it sucks. Willpower, man... Will. Power. :-/
Take my advice with a grain of salt. These things have worked for me,
but may not work for everyone. If anyone’s in prep or working with a
coach/trainer/etc, run it by that person. Don’t let me get you into trouble..
I hope the above tips helped. Mind you, if you’re dieting,
expect to be a lil hungry, but you should not be starving, dizzy, or on the
brink of death. That’s just crazy. As you lose fat, your body adjusts to the
lesser calories. However, if you’re in maintenance, you shouldn’t be THAT
Monday, April 22, 2013
The Skin We're In...
Hello Lovelies!
Wanted to share some tips about skin care! What does that have to do with fitness? EVERYTHING! The condition of our skin is a direct reflection on what we put IN our bodies and how well we take care of ourselves though exercise. Plenty of water, vitamins, quality sleep and proper nutrition and exercise... The perfect recipe for great skin. However, sometimes we need a lil help from external products to assist with maintenance.
That, my lovelies, is the subject to today's blog. As I've gotten older, I have developed skin sensitivities that prevent me from using just anything in the drugstore. *sigh* I tend to have dry skin (my legs) and I always exfoliate to remove the older layers of skin. I've tried scrubs from shops, and a lot of them irritate my skin (imagine itching like crazy in the shower!). So, I've made my own scrub to use in the shower, from household products. It's exfoliates AND moisturizes my skin, leaving it soft as a baby's bottom. Okay.. maybe not THAT soft, but you get the picture. It's great because I put my hands and feet through a lot with training and at the end of the day.. hey! I'm still a lady! :-)
Here's a photo of it (sorry it's not the best pic)

Ingredients (all approximations)
.5-1 cup used coffee grinds (I take them from the coffee machine at work!)
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp salt (any kind works)
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup grapeseed oil
1/8 cup castor oil
Easy instruction: Mix everything together and call it a day. :-) but seriously, it should form an oily paste, more oil than solids. I keep mine in the bathroom. After I wash (I use Vanilla Shea Butter Bar Soap by Out of Africa --- Sold @ Vitamin Shoppe or the company website), I take a handful and get to scrubbing! The grinds, salt and sugar exfoliate and the oils leave my skin super soft. :-) I do this about once a week. I also carry a small container of it at work to use on my hands which also tend to dry out. Any oils are fine to use (like avocado oil, shea or vitamin E oils). PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be careful! Oils leave the tub slippery, so use with caution or invest in a bath mat.
See these products? I keep these in the shower at all times because I use them BEFORE exiting the shower, while my skin is still damp, so it can hold the moisture and benefits:
From Left:
Grapeseed Oil: (for face and body)
Benefits: Evening out skin tone, Anti-Aging; Moisture
Bio Oil (for face and body)
Benefits: makeup remover, anti-aging; skin tone and texture, moisturizer; hair/hand treatment; scars and stretch marks.
C. Booth Firming Body Lotion, Apricot Oil
Naturally derived apricot oils intensively replenish thirsty skin, while cellulite-busting caffeine and intensive emollients purify, revitalize, energize, firm, tone, smooth and soften it.
Aveeno Skin Relief Shower & Bath Oil
This light oil has a unique skin conditioner designed for use in the shower or bath. Its special formula blends the moisture-retaining properties of mineral oil with Colloidal Oatmeal to relieve itchy, dry skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth all day.
Reviva Transfirmation Firming Lotion
ll in all, it's an unprecedented formula to help avoid slack skin during weight loss. Contains Elastin and DMAE.
Simply Smoothing Face Scrub
Smoothing Facial Scrub gently lifts dry, dead skin cells to help your skin look brighter and more even textured, plus it's a perfect blend of our purest possible skin loving ingredients with added vitamins.
(for sensitive skin) (http://www.simpleskincare.com/our-products/cleansers/smoothing-facial-scrub)
That's all I have for skin care today! :-)
Wanted to share some tips about skin care! What does that have to do with fitness? EVERYTHING! The condition of our skin is a direct reflection on what we put IN our bodies and how well we take care of ourselves though exercise. Plenty of water, vitamins, quality sleep and proper nutrition and exercise... The perfect recipe for great skin. However, sometimes we need a lil help from external products to assist with maintenance.
That, my lovelies, is the subject to today's blog. As I've gotten older, I have developed skin sensitivities that prevent me from using just anything in the drugstore. *sigh* I tend to have dry skin (my legs) and I always exfoliate to remove the older layers of skin. I've tried scrubs from shops, and a lot of them irritate my skin (imagine itching like crazy in the shower!). So, I've made my own scrub to use in the shower, from household products. It's exfoliates AND moisturizes my skin, leaving it soft as a baby's bottom. Okay.. maybe not THAT soft, but you get the picture. It's great because I put my hands and feet through a lot with training and at the end of the day.. hey! I'm still a lady! :-)
Here's a photo of it (sorry it's not the best pic)

Ingredients (all approximations)
.5-1 cup used coffee grinds (I take them from the coffee machine at work!)
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp salt (any kind works)
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup grapeseed oil
1/8 cup castor oil
Easy instruction: Mix everything together and call it a day. :-) but seriously, it should form an oily paste, more oil than solids. I keep mine in the bathroom. After I wash (I use Vanilla Shea Butter Bar Soap by Out of Africa --- Sold @ Vitamin Shoppe or the company website), I take a handful and get to scrubbing! The grinds, salt and sugar exfoliate and the oils leave my skin super soft. :-) I do this about once a week. I also carry a small container of it at work to use on my hands which also tend to dry out. Any oils are fine to use (like avocado oil, shea or vitamin E oils). PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE be careful! Oils leave the tub slippery, so use with caution or invest in a bath mat.
See these products? I keep these in the shower at all times because I use them BEFORE exiting the shower, while my skin is still damp, so it can hold the moisture and benefits:

From Left:
Grapeseed Oil: (for face and body)
Benefits: Evening out skin tone, Anti-Aging; Moisture
Bio Oil (for face and body)
Benefits: makeup remover, anti-aging; skin tone and texture, moisturizer; hair/hand treatment; scars and stretch marks.
C. Booth Firming Body Lotion, Apricot Oil
Naturally derived apricot oils intensively replenish thirsty skin, while cellulite-busting caffeine and intensive emollients purify, revitalize, energize, firm, tone, smooth and soften it.
Aveeno Skin Relief Shower & Bath Oil
This light oil has a unique skin conditioner designed for use in the shower or bath. Its special formula blends the moisture-retaining properties of mineral oil with Colloidal Oatmeal to relieve itchy, dry skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth all day.
Reviva Transfirmation Firming Lotion
ll in all, it's an unprecedented formula to help avoid slack skin during weight loss. Contains Elastin and DMAE.
Simply Smoothing Face Scrub
Smoothing Facial Scrub gently lifts dry, dead skin cells to help your skin look brighter and more even textured, plus it's a perfect blend of our purest possible skin loving ingredients with added vitamins.
(for sensitive skin) (http://www.simpleskincare.com/our-products/cleansers/smoothing-facial-scrub)
That's all I have for skin care today! :-)
Monday, April 8, 2013
Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself... (Briefly)
Hey Everyone! I know it's been some time since I've blogged or put up a video and I'm sorry.. :-( I've been busy gearing up for contest prep, getting back into the swing of demos and just trying to stay sane.
What is up, you ask? It's week 4 of a 30 week contest prep cycle. Yes, you read that right. 30 weeks. My first show of the year isn't until October, but to get in the best shape humanly possible, I have to start now. Sigh.. I waited until now to start blogging because I am dieting and not the easiest to deal with when I'm starving. I'm kinda used to it now, but still hungry. I can be nice now. :-) So, as promised, I'm going to do some self documenting of prep as I go thru the months. the ups, the downs, the ugly.. :-D
So, with that said, I've made a video for you guys, basically re-introducing myself to you all.
What is up, you ask? It's week 4 of a 30 week contest prep cycle. Yes, you read that right. 30 weeks. My first show of the year isn't until October, but to get in the best shape humanly possible, I have to start now. Sigh.. I waited until now to start blogging because I am dieting and not the easiest to deal with when I'm starving. I'm kinda used to it now, but still hungry. I can be nice now. :-) So, as promised, I'm going to do some self documenting of prep as I go thru the months. the ups, the downs, the ugly.. :-D
So, with that said, I've made a video for you guys, basically re-introducing myself to you all.
(the audio is lower than I thought it would be.. grrr... sorry guys!)
Name: Lynette
Age: 30-somthing or other
Occupation: Attorney, Admin Worker, NPC Competitor, Personal Trainer; Top Secret Nutrition Athlete
Height/Weight: 5'7.5" / 175 lbs (off season)
Fave Foods: Oatmeal, Protein Powder, Tilapia, eggs
Fave Cheats: Pizza, burgers, sweet potato fries, cookies
When I'm not in the gym or working I'm---- Sleeping, eating or waiting for the next meal
Fave body part To Train: Legs, Back
LEAST Fave to Train: Shoulders and Chest
Fave Exercises: Deads, Deads, DEADS!! All varieties
1. I love shoes! Heels, mainly.. 4-5 inches and up
2. I love to cook
3. I sing to myself when I'm in the house
4. I belch a lot when I train.. tee hee
5. I have a problem with Wikipedia.. I can never just lookup one thing!
6. I love Jeopardy
7. I can be super girly.. I love dresses and skirts..
Any questions?
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
When All Else Fails....
Good morning! When all else fails... Try again? Eh.. Maybe. EXPERIMENT!
Since I'm not getting ready for a show, I have some time to play around with my diet and exercise. As you know, I've put on a few extra pounds (looks around) in my off season, and I want to lean out a bit. Those who know me best, know I'm not the most conventional person, and I thumb my nose at the easy route. Grr...
Three things I'm trying now:
1. Keto Dieting: I've been tinkering with my diet and supplementation schemes. I am currently on a keto-type diet. For those who aren't up on it, keto is a very low carb diet. I'm talking very. Less than 30 net carbs a day (that's less than a serving of oats! And y'all know how I love my oats... ) for a prolonged period of time, followed by a "refeed" --- reintroducing carbs into the body, once a week or so (depending on how you cycle it). While you are lo carb, you eat mainly fats and protein. My cycle is about 6 days lo carb - Sunday-Friday - Then carb refeed on Saturday. I weigh myself on Saturday morning to see my progress and that influences how I carb up. I also look at my workouts for the week and gauge my energy levels. In my prep cycle, I've found that keto diets work for ME.
(Disclaimer: Keto is NOT for everyone and NOT meant to do forever. As with all diet approaches, check with a doc or at the very least, someone who is experienced in dieting and nutrition to guide you)
2. Fasting: In addition to keto, I've been looking at "Intermittent Fasting". Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting (usually meaning consumption of water and sometimes low-calorie drinks such as black coffee) and non-fasting (wikipedia entry). Now... I'm mixing the two dieting styles.. Keto diet, with a fast. I'm trying not to eat until about 9-10 am and to quit eating around 10 pm. Basically, 12 hour fast, 12 hour eating cycle. It pains me a bit in the morning, but I drink about 10 g BCAAs upon waking, then have some coffee/tea/cucumber slices until it's time to eat. It's not a perfect fast, but I'm trying some things out. Am I hungry? Yep. Will I die? No. Energy level? Pretty good, actually. Training? Going well.. lifting heavy and getting good results.
3. No Post Workout Shake! That's right, I'm foregoing the post workout protein shake. I know, that's BLASPHEMY in the bodybuilding world.. But.. The way I see it, after training, I'm starving. I tend to overeat, or at the very least suffer from hunger at night. So, last night, after an intense back session, instead of a shake, I drank about 10 g BCAAs mixed with Crystal Light. Granted it wasn't the best tasting drink, but... I fed my muscles, staved off hunger for a bit and saved myself about 120 cals/25 g protein that I can eat in REAL FOOD, which always keeps me full longer. So, it actually worked out nicely. I only live about 30 minutes from my gym, so I was able to eat a meal within an hour of my training. I also wasn't hungry after that, meaning I have to adjust my earlier meals to get in all my macros.
I'll discuss my training and supplementation schemes lata.. right now, it's cucumber/tea/ gum time.. got about 30 minutes until I can eat again :-).
Since I'm not getting ready for a show, I have some time to play around with my diet and exercise. As you know, I've put on a few extra pounds (looks around) in my off season, and I want to lean out a bit. Those who know me best, know I'm not the most conventional person, and I thumb my nose at the easy route. Grr...
Three things I'm trying now:
1. Keto Dieting: I've been tinkering with my diet and supplementation schemes. I am currently on a keto-type diet. For those who aren't up on it, keto is a very low carb diet. I'm talking very. Less than 30 net carbs a day (that's less than a serving of oats! And y'all know how I love my oats... ) for a prolonged period of time, followed by a "refeed" --- reintroducing carbs into the body, once a week or so (depending on how you cycle it). While you are lo carb, you eat mainly fats and protein. My cycle is about 6 days lo carb - Sunday-Friday - Then carb refeed on Saturday. I weigh myself on Saturday morning to see my progress and that influences how I carb up. I also look at my workouts for the week and gauge my energy levels. In my prep cycle, I've found that keto diets work for ME.
(Disclaimer: Keto is NOT for everyone and NOT meant to do forever. As with all diet approaches, check with a doc or at the very least, someone who is experienced in dieting and nutrition to guide you)
2. Fasting: In addition to keto, I've been looking at "Intermittent Fasting". Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting (usually meaning consumption of water and sometimes low-calorie drinks such as black coffee) and non-fasting (wikipedia entry). Now... I'm mixing the two dieting styles.. Keto diet, with a fast. I'm trying not to eat until about 9-10 am and to quit eating around 10 pm. Basically, 12 hour fast, 12 hour eating cycle. It pains me a bit in the morning, but I drink about 10 g BCAAs upon waking, then have some coffee/tea/cucumber slices until it's time to eat. It's not a perfect fast, but I'm trying some things out. Am I hungry? Yep. Will I die? No. Energy level? Pretty good, actually. Training? Going well.. lifting heavy and getting good results.

3. No Post Workout Shake! That's right, I'm foregoing the post workout protein shake. I know, that's BLASPHEMY in the bodybuilding world.. But.. The way I see it, after training, I'm starving. I tend to overeat, or at the very least suffer from hunger at night. So, last night, after an intense back session, instead of a shake, I drank about 10 g BCAAs mixed with Crystal Light. Granted it wasn't the best tasting drink, but... I fed my muscles, staved off hunger for a bit and saved myself about 120 cals/25 g protein that I can eat in REAL FOOD, which always keeps me full longer. So, it actually worked out nicely. I only live about 30 minutes from my gym, so I was able to eat a meal within an hour of my training. I also wasn't hungry after that, meaning I have to adjust my earlier meals to get in all my macros.
I'll discuss my training and supplementation schemes lata.. right now, it's cucumber/tea/ gum time.. got about 30 minutes until I can eat again :-).
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Building a Booty...
FYI: I wasn't blessed with the tightest, roundest, for firmest backside. Some folks are blessed and others, like me, have to build a booty.. I'm mostly "Quads and Hips" really. I want to bring my glutes up, (esp the ham-glute tie in) so I train them separate and apart from legs, more than once a week....
Sunday is usually leg day. Squats, hacks, deads, curls, extensions.. the usual. However, I've found that I don't hit the glutes as much as need and want to on these lifts. I have longer legs and I tend not to squat as deep as others because . I have pre-existing knee issues; and 2. Because my legs are longer, that's a long way to travel down. I'm more concerned with protecting my knees than trying to hit glutes on a squat. For some people, training legs the usual way, will get them great glutes. Me? I need a lil extra work to effectively train my glutes.
Sunday morning, in addition to my morning cardio, I did a brief glute workout to almost, "pre-exhaust" them before the full leg workout later in the day.
1. Superset #1
Smith Machine Glute Raise
Reverse Hyperextensions
2. One-Leg Smith Machine Squats
3. Superset #2
Cable Glute kickbacks
Glute Bridge
Since I'm trying to bring my glutes up, my cardio has been mainly sprinting, circuit training with weights, tabata intervals plyo and a lil steady state. If I'm doing steady state cardio, I'm walking on the treadmill, at an incline, squeezing my glutes on each step. The morning cardio consisted of:
- 15 minutes on the treadmill (increasing incline on each min, NOT holding on to the rails, at 3.0 mph)
- 15 minutes tabata intervals of Treadwalks (3 rounds of 4 min tabata -20:10- 1 min walk between)
if you don't know what a treadwalk is, here's a video. Mind you, you do these with the treadmill NOT moving)
Closing thought... In building a booty, my favs are cable kick backs, stiff leg deadlifts, and smith glute raises. I vary the weights, rep ranges and exercises... After all that of course.. you must STRETCH! These are awesome!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Enter the Mind of Madness... Ok, Not Really... Well, a Little.
Good morning! It's Saturday, and NYC got hit with a blizzard. Some places got hit worse than others, but luckily my area wasn't hit VERY hard. Plenty of snow on the ground, but thankfully, people have shoveled and salted and I was able to hit the gym!
Today was a fasted, HIIT cardio day.. when I do HIIT, I usually use tabata intervals (20s work:10s rest for 8 cycles = 4 mins) or weight/plyo circuits. When I use a cardio machine (elliptical, treadmill, bike, etc), it's for steady state cardio or sprint work. Today's workout was TWO weight/plyo cycles and a plyo/ab circuit. Wanna hear about it, here it goes!
Circuit 1: 5 x 15 x 5 (5 exercises, 15 reps per, 5 rounds - 1 min rest between)
1. Jump lunges (15 per leg - 30 altogether)
2. hanging leg raises
3. DeadLift-Curl-Press (using 45 lb Barbell)
4. Decline Push Ups (feet on a bench)
5. Inverted rows
Perform the exercises back to back, then rest for a minute. Perform 5 rounds in total. :-)
Still standing? Want more? ok..
Circuit 2: 6 exercises x 30 seconds each x 3 rounds
1. DB throws
2. Box Jumps
3. Barbell Hack Squats
4. Weighted Squat Thrusts
5. Plyo Skaters
6. Weighted T-Push Ups
Now, I'll admit, I was dog tired after this. lol.. Breathing heavy, looking for help. But.. I wasn't done. Ready for the plyo/Ab circuit?
Circuit 3: 3 Exercises x 25 reps each x 4 rounds (equalling 100 reps in total)
I started the ab circuit with 10-15 box jumps (yeah, I did them again but this time, I straddled a step instead of traditional box jumps)
1. Smith Machine Hip Thrusts (Instructions - See this video: Smith Machine Hip Thrust)
2. Oblique Cable Crunches (Instructions - See this video: Modified Cable Oblique Crunch)
3. Reg. Cable Crunches
This is ME doing the hip thrusts:
Today was a fasted, HIIT cardio day.. when I do HIIT, I usually use tabata intervals (20s work:10s rest for 8 cycles = 4 mins) or weight/plyo circuits. When I use a cardio machine (elliptical, treadmill, bike, etc), it's for steady state cardio or sprint work. Today's workout was TWO weight/plyo cycles and a plyo/ab circuit. Wanna hear about it, here it goes!
Circuit 1: 5 x 15 x 5 (5 exercises, 15 reps per, 5 rounds - 1 min rest between)
1. Jump lunges (15 per leg - 30 altogether)
2. hanging leg raises
3. DeadLift-Curl-Press (using 45 lb Barbell)
4. Decline Push Ups (feet on a bench)
5. Inverted rows
Perform the exercises back to back, then rest for a minute. Perform 5 rounds in total. :-)
Still standing? Want more? ok..
Circuit 2: 6 exercises x 30 seconds each x 3 rounds
1. DB throws
2. Box Jumps
3. Barbell Hack Squats
4. Weighted Squat Thrusts
5. Plyo Skaters
6. Weighted T-Push Ups
Now, I'll admit, I was dog tired after this. lol.. Breathing heavy, looking for help. But.. I wasn't done. Ready for the plyo/Ab circuit?
Circuit 3: 3 Exercises x 25 reps each x 4 rounds (equalling 100 reps in total)
I started the ab circuit with 10-15 box jumps (yeah, I did them again but this time, I straddled a step instead of traditional box jumps)
1. Smith Machine Hip Thrusts (Instructions - See this video: Smith Machine Hip Thrust)
2. Oblique Cable Crunches (Instructions - See this video: Modified Cable Oblique Crunch)
3. Reg. Cable Crunches
This is ME doing the hip thrusts:
(FYI: Those are ace bandages around my ankles, if you were curious. When I do plyo, I wrap my ankles. I'm prone to sprains!)
And here are the lovely box jumps (excuse any dips in form... a girl was spent after alla that.)
Did I mention I did all that FASTED? Yeah, I tend to do my morning cardio, HIIT or steady state, on Empty. I do bring water and my Top Secret Nutrition BCAA Hyperblend Drink, mixed with vitamins C, to drink throughout. I also bring my protein powder to mix with water to drink right after working out.
I did some serious stretching after this and took my butt home.. I'm a bit sore now, but I'll live. Foam rolling to the rescue!
Enjoy the snow, and have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
On the Slow Road...
Gooooodddd Morning!
I know I haven't blogged in a hot minute and for that I am sorry! I've been busy trying to figure out my diet, training split, supplementation, etc.. No, not getting ready for a show this year. I'm basically dieting as if I was doing a show on June 1.
I'm putting myself through the rigors of prep because
1. I gained a lil too much weight, IMO, this off season;
2. I need to get my body used to being leaner;
3. I need to learn how my body works and what will get my lean with the least amount of suffering; and 4. I want to be better.
Better at what you ask? I want to be a better bodybuilder. I want to have better shape and definition to this old bag o'bones.. lol. I want to be sure I'm putting forth the best possible package when I enter prep again/hit the stage in 2014. And that, my friends, takes patience. These next few months are going to be a learning experience. New Lifting techniques; new training, new splits, strengthening my weaknesses.. It's going to be awesome, y'all.. :-)
My current goal is to get back to comp weight (about 155 lbs) by June 1. Standard prep time is 12 weeks, but yeah, I'm a big girl, and food loves me, so I started "dieting" in January, at around 181 lbs or so (I was boycotting the scale, so this is an estimate--- don't judge me). The photo on the left is January. The photo on the right, glasses and all, was taken on Monday, at about 178-179 lbs.
See how long it takes me to lose a damn pound of bodyfat? Yeah.. I know. There are folks who think, "oh, it's not that hard" or who think that I don't struggle with this. It's a struggle for me, every day, every workout, every meal. I've been overweight @ 300 lbs, I've been superslim@150 lbs (size 2-4, y'all! Whoo!), so my body has been through the gamut of sizes. Fat loss is hard, no matter which way you slice it. Because it's so hard, I'm doing it slowly, taking my time with it. I think that' s the best way. If you have a goal date, best to start a lil before you think you need to. For example,if I were doing a June show, I would NOT do the standard 12 weeks of contest prep. I know better than that. I would start prep about 16-20 weeks out, and still diet on my own about a month before that. I have a stubborn body, so longer dieting periods work for me.
Well, that's all for now. I'll be back with more soon.. #PinkySwear
I know I haven't blogged in a hot minute and for that I am sorry! I've been busy trying to figure out my diet, training split, supplementation, etc.. No, not getting ready for a show this year. I'm basically dieting as if I was doing a show on June 1.
I'm putting myself through the rigors of prep because
1. I gained a lil too much weight, IMO, this off season;
2. I need to get my body used to being leaner;
3. I need to learn how my body works and what will get my lean with the least amount of suffering; and 4. I want to be better.
Better at what you ask? I want to be a better bodybuilder. I want to have better shape and definition to this old bag o'bones.. lol. I want to be sure I'm putting forth the best possible package when I enter prep again/hit the stage in 2014. And that, my friends, takes patience. These next few months are going to be a learning experience. New Lifting techniques; new training, new splits, strengthening my weaknesses.. It's going to be awesome, y'all.. :-)
My current goal is to get back to comp weight (about 155 lbs) by June 1. Standard prep time is 12 weeks, but yeah, I'm a big girl, and food loves me, so I started "dieting" in January, at around 181 lbs or so (I was boycotting the scale, so this is an estimate--- don't judge me). The photo on the left is January. The photo on the right, glasses and all, was taken on Monday, at about 178-179 lbs.
See how long it takes me to lose a damn pound of bodyfat? Yeah.. I know. There are folks who think, "oh, it's not that hard" or who think that I don't struggle with this. It's a struggle for me, every day, every workout, every meal. I've been overweight @ 300 lbs, I've been superslim@150 lbs (size 2-4, y'all! Whoo!), so my body has been through the gamut of sizes. Fat loss is hard, no matter which way you slice it. Because it's so hard, I'm doing it slowly, taking my time with it. I think that' s the best way. If you have a goal date, best to start a lil before you think you need to. For example,if I were doing a June show, I would NOT do the standard 12 weeks of contest prep. I know better than that. I would start prep about 16-20 weeks out, and still diet on my own about a month before that. I have a stubborn body, so longer dieting periods work for me.
Well, that's all for now. I'll be back with more soon.. #PinkySwear
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Peeking In..
Good morning all!
I'm blogging from the train, in my way to work! It's been a while since I've blogged, mainly because I've been wrapped up in my own world, in a rut. Due to medical issues, nothing too serious, I have to postpone my next contest prep season. I'm upset, but ill live. Also, it gives me time to grow, work on posing, maintenance .... Basically become a better bodybuilder.
Sorry for the neglect, but I shall be back! With reviews, demos, general knowledge and anything else you might want to know about!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Supplement Review: TSN BCAA Hyperblend Drink Mix
I have a supplement review for you all today! Yay!
Okay, we all know what BCAAs are.. Branched Chain Amino Acids -The building blocks of muscle (we're keeping it simple around here today). The BCAAs are those essential aminos that the body doesn't provide us with. Benefits of BCAA supplementation include reduced soreness (DOMS!!), protein synthesis, reducing the rate of muscle breakdown, maximize fat loss (yeah, baby.. ), and a host of other benefits!
(see these articles for more details:
http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bcaas-the-many-benefits-of-amino-acids.html )
Anyways, back to the supplement at hand.. Check the pic below...
Both are by Top Secret Nutrition (TSN) The Pill form on the left and the powdered drink form on the right. This review is about the DRINK. I've used both actually. Before the drink was available, I was popping open the pills, and mixing with crystal light and Cardio Igniter (by TSN) to drink during my morning fasted cardio, to prevent muscle breakdown. But... the folks at TSN have solved my problem! The BCAA Hyperblend is BCAA/Energy drink that is berry flavored and loaded with BCAAs and other ingredients to make it a sexy pre/intra workout energy drink. Yes, I said sexy. -_-
Besides the BCAAs, the drink mix includes a 3:1:1 ratio of leucine, isoleucine and valine, Ursolic Acid, Brassinolide and caffeine [(150mg) to provide energy and enhance the anabolic and muscle protein synthesis stimulating effect of BCAA], Astravar (you don't know about Astravar??) and BioPerine to help enhance the absorption of the ingredients. Here's a pic of the label for your viewing pleasure:
Okay... so I bet you wanna know how it tastes. Honestly, in the realm of pre-workout drinks, this isn't half bad. I'm not the biggest fan of berry flavored drinks as I prefer fruit punch or lemonade varieties. But alone it tastes heck of a lot better than regular BCAA powder. I added my trusty crystal light lemonade packet and took it to the gym for a test drive on my morning cardio. I can say I drank most of it during the first 15 minutes. Terrible, I know. But it is a welcomed addition to the rotation. Here's a hint.. drinking BCAAs during your fasted cardio helps with hunger! Yes.. it helps with the ravenous hunger that can come after doing the cardio.. :-) So, this drink mix is PERFECT for that! I plan to use to it whenever I do fasted cardio... The weekends because during the week.. yeah.. I'm not about that life..
Until next review..
Okay, we all know what BCAAs are.. Branched Chain Amino Acids -The building blocks of muscle (we're keeping it simple around here today). The BCAAs are those essential aminos that the body doesn't provide us with. Benefits of BCAA supplementation include reduced soreness (DOMS!!), protein synthesis, reducing the rate of muscle breakdown, maximize fat loss (yeah, baby.. ), and a host of other benefits!
(see these articles for more details:
http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bcaas-the-many-benefits-of-amino-acids.html )
Anyways, back to the supplement at hand.. Check the pic below...
Both are by Top Secret Nutrition (TSN) The Pill form on the left and the powdered drink form on the right. This review is about the DRINK. I've used both actually. Before the drink was available, I was popping open the pills, and mixing with crystal light and Cardio Igniter (by TSN) to drink during my morning fasted cardio, to prevent muscle breakdown. But... the folks at TSN have solved my problem! The BCAA Hyperblend is BCAA/Energy drink that is berry flavored and loaded with BCAAs and other ingredients to make it a sexy pre/intra workout energy drink. Yes, I said sexy. -_-
Besides the BCAAs, the drink mix includes a 3:1:1 ratio of leucine, isoleucine and valine, Ursolic Acid, Brassinolide and caffeine [(150mg) to provide energy and enhance the anabolic and muscle protein synthesis stimulating effect of BCAA], Astravar (you don't know about Astravar??) and BioPerine to help enhance the absorption of the ingredients. Here's a pic of the label for your viewing pleasure:
Okay... so I bet you wanna know how it tastes. Honestly, in the realm of pre-workout drinks, this isn't half bad. I'm not the biggest fan of berry flavored drinks as I prefer fruit punch or lemonade varieties. But alone it tastes heck of a lot better than regular BCAA powder. I added my trusty crystal light lemonade packet and took it to the gym for a test drive on my morning cardio. I can say I drank most of it during the first 15 minutes. Terrible, I know. But it is a welcomed addition to the rotation. Here's a hint.. drinking BCAAs during your fasted cardio helps with hunger! Yes.. it helps with the ravenous hunger that can come after doing the cardio.. :-) So, this drink mix is PERFECT for that! I plan to use to it whenever I do fasted cardio... The weekends because during the week.. yeah.. I'm not about that life..
Until next review..
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