Saturday, May 4, 2013

Playing the Hunger Games: Dealing with Hunger when Dieting

Hey my Lovelies! I hope this finds you well… As you know, I am in the middle of contest prep and of course that includes the dreaded “D” word.. DIETING. Grrrr…. I know, I know.. That’s a cuss word. I hate dieting, because I hate being hungry. I’m not ashamed to say it.. I LOVE FOOD! Not junk food per se, but actual REAL, whole foods.. oats, eggs, chicken, tuna, etc. When I diet, I crave these foods. Esp Oatmeal and Peanut Butter with a lil Sugar Free Jelly.. (yum.. having a flashback). Anyways, Hunger can be a b…. , especially when you’re used to eating a ton of food. Well, I’m going to share with you my tips and methods for dealing with and playing “The Hunger Games”.

1. Coffee (or tea)
Yes, coffee. It’s funny, I was never a fan of coffee in college or law school, but I love it now. A cup of coffee goes a long way in helping to stave off hunger pangs. Of course, in prep, I have to have it black. But I add a few drops of vanilla stevia (liquid) and I’m good to go. I prefer CafĂ© Bustelo myself or Starbucks Blonde Roast. I will say this.. the caffeine in coffee does absolutely NOTHING for me.. lol. Coffee is more like a flavoring now. Tea is also a good option. I love the teas by Tazo, particularly Wild Sweet Orange or Passion (it’s purple! Oh snap!).  Green Tea, hot or cold, is a big helper AND a metabolism booster!

2. Plain old Water
Downing water, staying hydrated will also help with hunger. It’s been said that sometimes, when we are hungry, we most likely are thirsty. So when hunger strikes, try downing a glass of water and waiting a while to see if the feeling dissipates. Besides, if you’re drinking enough water, you’ll be jumping up to pee so much, you won’t have time to think about being hungry. J If you’re allowed, crystal light is a great option.

3. Gum.
* hides head * I am a well known gum addict. I can chew gum until I go to sleep. I’ve been known to wake up with gum in my mouth from the night before. Now, gum can help with hunger but… be warned.. 1. The gum has to be sugar free (SF) or you’re adding calories to your diet. 2. Unfortunately, SF gum does have a few miniscule calories, so be mindful. 3. It can make you gassy and bloated. Yeah, I keep it real around here. The chewing can fill your tummy up with air, and cause some gas. I usually drink some lemon water to ease the bloat.

4. Keep Busy
I notice when I’m hungry at work, it helps to focus ON WORK to keep my mind off the hunger. Sometimes, it works and the time flies by. Other times, when I’m really hungry, I find  myself staring at the clock in the corner.  L

5. Supplements – BCAA drinks
Ahh.. the lovely BCAA drink. I usually drink my Top Secret Nutrition BCAA Hyperblend drink during my fasted cardio, so as not to die of hunger. It also has caffeine so it gives me a lil energy boost. I keep a container at work for the same reason. The mid-day slump + hunger is not the best feeling. When that hits, I take a scoop, mix with water and a lil lemon juice (I love lemonades) and I’m cool for a lil while. When I don’t have the BCAA drink mix, I have been known to make a cup of hot green tea, pop open some BCAA pills, blend the two in a shake cup with ice and a packet of crystal light (lemonade of course) and sip on that until it’s meal time.

6. Protein Shakes: While I’m not adding this in as a way to deal with hunger, but if a protein shake is your meal, there are a few ways to make it more filling.. 1. Mix with less water, make into a pudding. I’ve done that in the past when it was protein and peanut butter. Use less water, maybe add some fiber to thicken it, and freeze for a bit. Follow up with a glass or two of water. 2. If you have access, blend the protein powder with ice to make a thicker shake. The added water (from the crushed ice) will fill you up.

7. The saddest option: Suck it up and deal with it. Unfortunately, sometimes, the above options don’t work and you have to just deal with it. It’s not the worst thing in the world. Sometimes, a lot of this is mental. You have to fight the urge, even when it sucks. Willpower, man... Will. Power.  :-/

DISCLAIMER:  Take my advice with a grain of salt. These things have worked for me, but may not work for everyone. If anyone’s in prep or working with a coach/trainer/etc, run it by that person. Don’t let me get you into trouble.. lol.

I hope the above tips helped. Mind you, if you’re dieting, expect to be a lil hungry, but you should not be starving, dizzy, or on the brink of death. That’s just crazy. As you lose fat, your body adjusts to the lesser calories. However, if you’re in maintenance, you shouldn’t be THAT hungry.


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