Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Building a Booty...

FYI: I wasn't blessed with the tightest, roundest, for firmest backside. Some folks are blessed and others, like me, have to build a booty..  I'm mostly "Quads and Hips" really. I want to bring my glutes up, (esp the ham-glute tie in) so I train them separate and apart from legs, more than once a week....

Sunday is usually leg day. Squats, hacks, deads, curls, extensions.. the usual. However, I've found that I don't hit the glutes as much as need and want to on these lifts. I have longer legs and I tend not to squat as deep as others because . I have pre-existing knee issues; and 2. Because my legs are longer, that's a long way to travel down. I'm more concerned with protecting my knees than trying to hit glutes on a squat. For some people, training legs the usual way, will get them great glutes.  Me? I need a lil extra work to effectively train my glutes.

Sunday morning, in addition to my morning cardio, I did a brief glute workout to almost, "pre-exhaust" them before the full leg workout later in the day. 

1. Superset #1
Smith Machine Glute Raise

Reverse Hyperextensions

2. One-Leg Smith Machine Squats

3. Superset #2
Cable Glute kickbacks
Glute Bridge

Since I'm trying to bring my glutes up, my cardio has been mainly sprinting, circuit training with weights, tabata intervals plyo and a lil steady state. If  I'm doing steady state cardio, I'm walking on the treadmill, at an incline, squeezing my glutes on each step. The morning cardio consisted of:

- 15 minutes on the treadmill (increasing incline on each min, NOT holding on to the rails, at 3.0 mph)
- 15 minutes tabata intervals of Treadwalks (3 rounds of 4 min tabata -20:10- 1 min walk between)

if you don't know what a treadwalk is, here's a video. Mind you, you do these with the treadmill NOT moving)

Closing thought... In building a booty, my favs are cable kick backs, stiff leg deadlifts, and smith glute raises. I vary the weights, rep ranges and exercises... After all that of course.. you must STRETCH! These are awesome!

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