Monday, April 8, 2013

Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself... (Briefly)

Hey Everyone! I know it's been some time since I've blogged or put up a video and I'm sorry.. :-( I've been busy gearing up for contest prep, getting back into the swing of demos and just trying to stay sane.

What is up, you ask? It's week 4 of a 30 week contest prep cycle. Yes, you read that right. 30 weeks. My first show of the year isn't until October, but to get in the best shape humanly possible, I have to start now. Sigh.. I waited until now to start blogging because I am dieting and not the easiest to deal with when I'm starving. I'm kinda used to it now, but still hungry. I can be nice now. :-) So, as promised, I'm going to do some self documenting of prep as I go thru the months. the ups, the downs, the ugly.. :-D

So, with that said, I've made a video for you guys, basically re-introducing myself to you all.

 (the audio is lower than I thought it would be.. grrr... sorry guys!)

Name: Lynette
Age: 30-somthing or other 
Occupation: Attorney, Admin Worker, NPC Competitor, Personal Trainer; Top Secret Nutrition Athlete
Height/Weight: 5'7.5" / 175 lbs (off season)
Fave Foods: Oatmeal, Protein Powder, Tilapia, eggs
Fave Cheats: Pizza, burgers, sweet potato fries, cookies 
When I'm not in the gym or working I'm---- Sleeping, eating or waiting for the next meal
Fave body part To Train: Legs, Back
LEAST Fave to Train: Shoulders and Chest
Fave Exercises: Deads, Deads, DEADS!! All varieties
1. I love shoes! Heels, mainly.. 4-5 inches and up
2. I love to cook
3. I sing to myself when I'm in the house 
4. I belch a lot when I train.. tee hee
5. I have a problem with Wikipedia.. I can never just lookup one thing!
6. I love Jeopardy
7. I can be super girly.. I love dresses and skirts..

Any questions?


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