Monday, July 15, 2013

12 Weeks....

This will be a short one. How IS everyone, my lovelies?? I've missed writing to you all, but I've been SUPER busy with life and prep. However, it's the 12 week mark, meaning - excuse my language- shit is about to get real.

Up until this week, I'd just be dieting, slowly losing bodyfat to get to a point where It wouldn't be a mad dash at the 12 week mark to get lean. I'm somewhere between 165-172 lbs. I've been consistent with my cardio and nutrition, so I'm doing well. Just getting a lil tired. My body has been thru the ringer and I've had to train thru several injuries. I'm looking forward to a lil break, but I'm excited to be at the 12 week mark and see my body REALLY change.

With that said, I'm going to try to use this blog as more of a diary; writing almost daily. I want to share this entire journey with you all. It's tiring, expensive, draining, but damn it if it isn't worth it.

I'm here. I'm ready. Let's go.

